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Your search for Kirby returned 3 matches. You can watch these videos now if you have a current subscription to the Educational Impact Online Academy. If you would like more information about getting access to these videos please contact us.



Video Topic Module Program
Kirby Clip 1 Topic 1: Algebra Worksheets – Mr. Kirby | 9 min Module 12: 9th through 12th Grade – Math Classrooms Lessons Un-narrated
Middle School Math: Peer Test Review (component 3D) Topic 2: Domain Three: Examples from Intermediate classes | 1 hr 27 min Module 3: Domain Three: Instruction / Domain Four: Professional Responsibilities Charlotte Danielson's Teaching Framework: Looking at Real Classrooms
Partner Work – A High School Classroom Example Topic 2: Grouping Strategies | 11 min Module 2: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Designing Lessons to Inspire Thinking and Learning