Anderson Clip 1 |
Topic 7: Converting Fractions to Percentages – Mr. Anderson | 67 min |
Module 6: 3rd through 5th Grade – Math |
Classrooms Lessons Un-narrated |
Anderson Clip 1 |
Topic 15: Mean, Median and Range – Mr. Anderson | 107 min |
Module 6: 3rd through 5th Grade – Math |
Classrooms Lessons Un-narrated |
The pre-conference: Mr. Anderson discusses his instructional challenges |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Does Mr. Anderson improve student engagement by posing better questions? |
Topic 5: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class - Lesson #2 | 24 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Application in the Classroom- 5th Grade Percentages with Mr. Anderson |
Topic 1: Application: Using Math in the Real World In Action in Real Classrooms |
Module 6: Application |
Common Core Math Shifts: Looking at Real Classrooms |
The pre-conference: Mr. Anderson discusses his instructional challenges |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Mr. Anderson explains the learning objectives to his students |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Mr. Anderson leads his math students in a discussion about using percentages |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Mr. Anderson creates a student learning activity on percentages |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
The post-conference: Ms. Gluck & Mr. Anderson reflect on the math lesson on percentage |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
The post-conference: Ms. Gluck uses cognitive coaching to guide Mr. Anderson |
Topic 4: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class- Lesson #1 | 40 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Does Mr. Anderson improve student engagement by posing better questions? |
Topic 5: Mr. Andersons' 5th Grade Math Class - Lesson #2 | 24 min |
Module 3: The Second Half of the Year: Focus on Planning Preparation & Instruction |
Mentoring & Coaching : The Journey of a First Year Teacher |
Application in the Classroom- 5th Grade Percentages with Mr. Anderson |
Topic 1: Application: Using Math in the Real World In Action in Real Classrooms |
Module 6: Application |
Common Core Math Shifts: Looking at Real Classrooms |